Here is a glimpse of our 2015! (I never have the patience to get the pictures in order, I will try and put dates on them)
Early this year Jonathan's best friends Cole had emergency back surgery to remove a rapid growing tumor. He is okay now! |
August 2015 - Our 3 year anniversary out on Sand Hollow in St. George. Beautiful!! |
Cliff Jumping of course! |
Happy 3 years to us! |
August 2015 - My portion of J's graduation gift from his parents. A paddleboard! |
My cousin/twin (we are one day apart) got married on Valentine's Day! |
Cornbelly's in October. Love this little one! |
April of this year we snuck away to California for a few days. We didn't tell anyone...Shh! |
In May we got to meet Jocelyn. Neice #3. |
We did a few rounds of hiking this year. This was in May up Big Cottonwood Canyon |
Got a Selfie Stick! It has been put to good use. |
Cut my hair in June! A LOT! It is an A-line so much shorter in the back. Also this is a work selfie because I worked a lot. |
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June - Danielle got hitched! |
4th of July fun with Cole and Cheyanne at Bear Lake! |
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Pioneer Day boating with friends on Jordanelle. |
More Pioneer day weekend camping with this hunk. Dutch oven desserts are his favorite! |
September Niece #4 came along. Audrey was so tiny! |
September - bachelorette party fun to introduce Andrea to the Nay side. |
Christopher is married! |
September we went to see Brad Paisley with Cole and Chey. That is him in the background. |
End of September we had a friends trip to Disneyland! |
October niece #5 was born. Our little Kindle is so cute! |
Fall fun with Norah. Being an Aunt and Uncle is so fun! |
Halloween with friends! |
No Shave November. I am not a fan! Bring back the beard. |
Jonathan surprised me with a little party for my birthday. 23 this year! |
A little sneak peak of the house. November we found our house and got it! Just waiting to move in. It seems unbearable at times. |
Fun with friends! Tyler's birthday mid December |
Star Wars finally came out! We loved it! |
Christmas with the Fahey side. Everyone is growing up! Top Row: JJ, Heather, Gavin and Brooke (2) Middle: Dad, Mom, Dacey (7), Natalie, Kira, Audrey (3.5 months) Bottom: 2 very awesome people. |
Little Kindle on Christmas, now 2 months old! |
Dang! Good looking couple right there. It was a good year. I really can't wait to see what 2016 brings. I think it will be good! Happy New Year to all our friends and family! |