I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. This year has been different than the first few for us. We have had to face a few more trials than usual and it felt like we were just stuck a few times but we certainly know how to make the best out of situations. There were a lot of positives this past year! We went on some vacations. Disneyland, camping, St. George to name just a few. Jonathan graduated from SLCC and started his Bachelor's degree at Western Governors University, he also started a new job at Vivint to start his career in accounting. We got 3 new nieces this year that we just adore! We gained one sister-in-law and one brother-in-law - Jonathan's side of the family is complete with spouses now. To end the year we are buying our first home! We actually got the house back in November but it wasn't owned previously for more than 90 days so due to law we have to wait a little before moving in and actually closing on it. (More waiting...) It was supposed to be our Christmas present but it looks like that will come a few weeks late. I will post pictures when we are in! We just celebrated Christmas with great family and friends. Next week is J's birthday. 25 years old! Looking back at this year the first thing I think of is how grateful I am for him and how proud I am for all his big accomplishments this year. I don't know if I would have survived this year without him!
Here is a glimpse of our 2015! (I never have the patience to get the pictures in order, I will try and put dates on them)
Early this year Jonathan's best friends Cole had emergency back surgery to remove a rapid growing tumor. He is okay now! |
August 2015 - Our 3 year anniversary out on Sand Hollow in St. George. Beautiful!! |
Cliff Jumping of course! |
Happy 3 years to us! |
August 2015 - My portion of J's graduation gift from his parents. A paddleboard! |
My cousin/twin (we are one day apart) got married on Valentine's Day! |
Cornbelly's in October. Love this little one! |
April of this year we snuck away to California for a few days. We didn't tell anyone...Shh! |
In May we got to meet Jocelyn. Neice #3. |
We did a few rounds of hiking this year. This was in May up Big Cottonwood Canyon |
Got a Selfie Stick! It has been put to good use. |
Cut my hair in June! A LOT! It is an A-line so much shorter in the back. Also this is a work selfie because I worked a lot. |
June - Danielle got hitched! |
4th of July fun with Cole and Cheyanne at Bear Lake! |
Pioneer Day boating with friends on Jordanelle. |
More Pioneer day weekend camping with this hunk. Dutch oven desserts are his favorite! |
September Niece #4 came along. Audrey was so tiny! |
September - bachelorette party fun to introduce Andrea to the Nay side. |
Christopher is married! |
September we went to see Brad Paisley with Cole and Chey. That is him in the background. |
End of September we had a friends trip to Disneyland! |
October niece #5 was born. Our little Kindle is so cute! |
Fall fun with Norah. Being an Aunt and Uncle is so fun! |
Halloween with friends! |
No Shave November. I am not a fan! Bring back the beard. |
Jonathan surprised me with a little party for my birthday. 23 this year! |
A little sneak peak of the house. November we found our house and got it! Just waiting to move in. It seems unbearable at times. |
Fun with friends! Tyler's birthday mid December |
Star Wars finally came out! We loved it! |
Christmas with the Fahey side. Everyone is growing up! Top Row: JJ, Heather, Gavin and Brooke (2) Middle: Dad, Mom, Dacey (7), Natalie, Kira, Audrey (3.5 months) Bottom: 2 very awesome people.
Little Kindle on Christmas, now 2 months old! |
Dang! Good looking couple right there.
It was a good year. I really can't wait to see what 2016 brings. I think it will be good! Happy New Year to all our friends and family!